About Factory Youth

We want to reach students as creatively as possible for Christ and build them up as healthy saints so they can do healthy, saintly things.  The first three Sunday nights of the month, Factory Youth will provide a fun and safe environment for your students to build friendships, have fun, and connect with God. We will provide games, food, fun, worship and a message for your students. On the second weekend of the month we will provide a time for middle school and high school students to meet in small groups with their leaders.  Each of these groups will be split into guys and girls.

Meeting Time and Location:

Middle and High School students meet the first three Sunday nights of the month from 5pm – 7pm at Factory, located at 8230 Poplar Tent Road, Concord, NC 28027.

What to Expect:

  • Student drop-off will happen in the Factory parking lot. We will have volunteers to greet your students drop-off. All students will check-in upon arrival in the main lobby. A waiver must be signed by a parent or guardian for each student. Please click the link below for the waiver. 
  • Student pick-up will happen at 7pm. Please park in the Factory parking lot to pick up your student. 
  • We will have free pizza available.

Middle and High School Pop-ups:

  • We want to provide time for your students to build community with their peers, while also getting to know our Student Leaders better. Once a month, we will organize pop-ups for your students.
  • These pop-ups will happen at places like Sweet Frog, Taco’s 4 Life, and local parks.  
  • Information on these pops-ups can be found on our Factory Youth Instagram page.

Stay Informed:

Contact the Youth Director:

  • Caleb Turner
  • E-mail: caleb@thefactorychurch.com

Follow Us on Instagram @factoryyouthclt